You can mostly forget the "2" after the title up there. This game has nothing to do with Far Cry. No mutants, no…
Resistance 2? Gears of War 2? Far Cry 2? The best shooter this holiday is Call of Duty: World at War — so say the…
The folks over at Bit-tech teamed up with Ubisoft and German uber-modder Oliver “Butterkneter” König to create a…
What happens when you take one of the most successful shooters of 2004, change the development teams, scrap the old…
Seems Ubisoft's free-roaming gun safari has "done a BioShock" and fudged its widescreen, with gamers on the trusted …
Hey, kids. Far Cry 2 is out. Ubisoft has shipped the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game to retail…
Ubisoft dropped us a line to let us know about Amazon's $10 Gift Card for ever pre-order of Far Cry 2 offer, but we…
Well would you look at that! The Far Cry 2 space is going live in PlayStation Home, allowing players to explore the…
Ubisoft has released details on their forum about Far Cry 2's DRM for PC. For those of you who were upset by Spore's…
In just a little over a week you'll be able to get your hands on Far Cry 2. This new trailer outlines just a few of…
Or, at least, shoot her in the throat. As for the other screens, they're a selection of real, in-game shots, so what…
Eurogamer today hosted another of their LiveText chat sessions, this time around putting Far Cry 2 producer…
Along with an official press release confirming the game's October 24th release in Europe, Ubisoft has announced…
Far Cry 2 with its real time weather system, map editor, and cool gameplay mechanics is looking pretty solid. In…
Ubisoft's Patrick Redding, Far Cry 2's narrative designer, confirms that the next Far Cry game will take place in…
Click to view If you're not interested in Far Cry 2 yet, you may well be after this. Ignore the Irish chap and his…
Here's the "Jackal" trailer for Far Cry 2, set in Africa. All I can say is, thank God they're shooting at white…
Ubisoft just unleashed the Far Cry 2 requirements for the PC version of the open-world shooter and the minimum…
Sandbox games are quickly becoming the bane of the demo-loving public. Open worlds just don't separate into…