Vault Boy probably hopes you’re willing to swipe right.

YouTuber Many A True Nerd did not rest on his laurels after beating Fallout:…

Kill two Deathclaws without a weapon. For fifty caps. Are you kidding me, Fallout Shelter?

They don’t call them ‘Deathclaws’ for nothing, you know.
If you’ve been waiting to play Fallout Shelter on Android, today’s the day you can finally get it. You can grab it on the Google Play store. Read more
Last week, some lucky Gamescom attendees got a chance to see new Fallout 4 footage behind closed doors. Many gaming…

Years ago, Fallout fans discovered that it was possible to escape the opening area of Fallout 3 at the start of the…
Cosplayer Amiko-chan decided to actually stay underground for this Fallout shot. And why not? Let everyone else go…

Bethesda might have sold out of Pip Boy editions of Fallout 4, never to make any again, but thanks to one…
“I don’t want to set the world on fire,” the Ink Spots croon, but the truth is, I’ve just arrived outside Galaxy…
Mad Max: Fury Road meets Fallout 4. It’s a predictable mash-up, but fucking hell, ✪ King Mrakobez did it up in grand…

That nuclear winter that everyone in Fallout wanted so badly? It’s coming, thanks to this awesome New Vegas mod.

Seeing the reveal of Fallout 4 at E3, I found myself compelled to return to Bethesda’s first entry in the series, Fal…
Today, QuakeCon attendees were treated to a brand new Fallout 4 demo chock full of new information. While there’s no…
Bethesda just announced the Fallout Anthology. It’s a collection of every PC Fallout game that comes in a container that looks like a mini-nuke. It’ll be out at the end of September. War never changes, but buying old games does, apparently.

Most games force tutorials on the player near the start of a new adventure. But Fallout is a game all about…

Fallout 3 wasn’t built to feature functional subway trains. Bethesda’s extremely weird workaround? You.

This ought to tide you over until Fallout 4 comes out... er, if it comes out before Fallout 4.
Steam reviews...Steam reviews never change. And that’s good, because Steam reviews are damn hilarious—especially the…