Your big-ass phones won’t fit in Fallout 4’s replica Pip-Boy. According to a recently-updated post on the Bethesda Blog, the sought-after replica comes with inserts for iPhones 4 through 6 (not plus) and Samsung Galaxy 4 and 5, and a customizable insert for other average-size devices. Anything larger will need to ride… Read more

The supreme court wasn’t just copying Fire Emblem when it ruled in favor of same-sex marriage today. Gay unions have…
Well I’ll be. The scheme to get Fallout 4 using only bottlecaps actually worked!
The Fallout 4 Pip-Boy edition is back in stock at Gamestop, for all 3 platforms. Additionally, Walmart also has it…
Nuclear bunkers are not meant to save people in the world of Fallout. Vaults are for experimentation, and even…
We’ve already seen how Fallout 4’s character creation system is going to work. At least, we’ve seen how it’s going…
Turns out, things can get pretty silly when you’re stuck inside a vault for most of your life. Who would have…

Being in charge of an entire vault is not easy: you have to manage your population, fend off attackers, and you have…
When Bethesda and Valve announced paid mods for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the reaction was negative, and it was…
There are enough screenshots of Fallout 4 out there in the wild now that Nukeclears was able to get a bunch of them…

Bethesda have a talking, animatronic version of Fallout 4’s Codsworth at their E3 booth this year, and he’s doing…
Android users left out in the cold by the announcement (and release!) of Fallout Shelter, you haven’t been…
What’s the dollar to bottlecap conversion rate, you think?
Fallout 4 is gonna have mods on Xbox One and (hopefully) PS4. But consoles aren’t like PC’s wild, wild wasteland.…

Ugh. Fallout 4. Where do I even begin? So much excitement, speculation, trepidation. Let’s get our thoughts in order…
Last night before hitting the sack I set two alarms. One so that I could wake up this morning and come to work, like…
Bethesda is hoping to bring Fallout 4 mods to PS4. As part of Gameslice’s E3 show, Todd Howard mentioned that he wants to bring mods to PS4 sometime after Xbox, which we can expect next year. Fallout 4’s PC mod tool set won’t be available until early 2016, so console mods will come sometime after that. Read more
Xbox One users get Fallout 3 free with Fallout 4. Suppose that’s one of the benefits of backwards compatibility. From the official press release: “All purchases of Fallout 4 on Xbox One will include a token for Fallout 3 through the first 90 days after Fallout 4’s release.”