Earlier this year, Bethesda announced plans to allow mods for Fallout 4 and the upcoming Skyrim remaster on PS4 and…

The first thing you need to do in Fallout 4, obviously, is find a decent weapon. The Wasteland is a deadly,…

The Silver Shroud costume was one of the best gags in Fallout 4, and Bethesda has been keen to keep the joke going…

Two months ago, Redditor NoohjXLVII wrote a post thanking Bethesda for Fallout 4, which helped take his mind off…

Everyone knows that Fallout 4's last big DLC will let you be a jerk, but now we finally have a sense of what kind of…
This is a treat. Ilya Nazarov is a senior concept artist at Bethesda, and we’re about to take a look at some art…

Bethesda is taking us on one last wild ride on Tuesday, August 30th.

Marcy Long is infamous for being the least liked character in the entirety of the Commonwealth. She also used to be…

Using Fallout 4's Contraption Workshop DLC, UpIsNotJump has gone and made about the most Rube Goldbergy machine…
![Why Some People Have Accused Bethesda Of Ripping Off A Mod For <i>Fallout 4 </i>[Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/cvqiukwu7q4hxwm5ylgs.jpg)
The tensions between the modding community and Bethesda continue to rise this week, with a prominent modder claiming…
From PC to mobile and back again. Fallout Shelter, the hit iOS and Android game based on the popular post-apocalyptic setting, arrives on PC this Thursday, alongside update 1.6, which brings new locations, new characters and quests.

Streamer T Ronix set himself a pretty tough challenge: to beat Fallout 4 without being hit even once. Oh, and…
The beta for mods for the PS4 version of Fallout 4's has been delayed, Bethesda said today. No word on a new release date.
Fallout New Vegas is now backwards compatible on Xbox One, which is great timing really, because this summer heat sure does make me wish for a nuclear winter.

The new Fallout 4 Contraptions Workshop DLC just dropped today, and people have been quick to put it to good use.…
The most famous mod for both Fallout and Skyrim has to be Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE), the…
One of the biggest complaints fans had about Fallout 4 was that most of the time, the game only let you be a good…
Next year, Bethesda will be releasing a virtual reality version of Fallout 4 for the HTC Vive. Not a demo. The full…