Tsuyoshi, the 9-year-old Dragon Ball FighterZ player who famously defeated his own father in a tournament match, recently shared a school report he wrote about his trip to Las Vegas to compete at Evo 2019. Check out this Twitter thread from fighting game community commentator Majin Obama for the entire adorable story.
During Evo 2019, I sat down with Samurai Shodown director Nobuyuki Kuroki to discuss his work on the new game. Since…
Last night, Red Bull hosted its annual official after-party for the Evolution Championship Series at the HyperX…
Tekken games have had some seriously far-out guest characters like Final Fantasy XV’s Prince Noctis and The Walking…
Leonardo “MkLeo” Lopez is Evo 2019's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate champion. He barely survived grand finals opponent Gavin “Tweek” Dempsey, eventually resetting the bracket and solidifying his reputation as the strongest player in this relatively young game moving forward.
If anyone who’s not watching EVO’s Super Smash Bros. tournament felt a sudden and inexplicable wave of grief, that was sympathy for Light falling victim to ProtoBanham’s ruthless Lucina. It was ProtoBanham’s second time playing Smash abroad from Japan, according to a GoFundMe raising money for his EVO attendance.
There’s a “completely new Guilty Gear” coming in 2020. Little information was shared during Arc System Works’ brief Evo 2019 presentation, but it looks gorgeous and the crowd obviously ate it up. Stay tuned.
Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada announced at Evo 2019 tonight that Tekken 7 will receive a third season of downloadable content. This season will include the return of Zafina as well as debut a brand new original character, Leroy Smith. The existing cast will also receive updated moves.
Arslan “Arslan Ash” Siddique steamrolled his competition to win Tekken 7 at Evo 2019. The Pakistani competitor has been on an absolute tear since his surprise victory at Evo Japan, and this latest championship ties a nice little bow on his burgeoning Tekken career.
Samurai Shodown’s Haohmaru will be joining the cast of Soulcalibur VI as its third guest character next season. A release date wasn’t announced, but fans can look forward to the return of classic Soulcalibur character Cassandra tomorrow, August 5, in the meantime.
SNK revealed a timeline for the first season of paid Samurai Shodown content at Evo 2019. Rimururu is coming in August, Basara in October, Kazuki Kazama in November, and Wan-Fu in December. As an added bonus, Shizumaru Hisame will be available for free in September. A second season is also planned for 2020.
Masato “Bonchan” Takahashi has been crowned Street Fighter V champion at Evo 2019. It’s been a long road for Bonchan since placing second in Ultra Street Fighter IV at Evo 2014, fraught with character crises and surprisingly early eliminations, but now he can finally add an Evo championship to his resume.
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will receive nine more characters on November 21, a trailer debuted at Evo 2019 revealed. These newcomers include Senran Kagura’s Yumi, Akatsuki and Blitztank from Akatsuki Blitzkampf, and RWBY antagonist Neo Politan.
Oscar “Shinku” Jaimes opened Evo 2019 finals day with a victory in the BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle championship. Shinku defeated three Japanese powerhouses—Kamisue “mekasue” Kazuya, Seitaro “domi” Ohno, and Hiroyuki “Kyamei” Kamei—en route to his first Evo title.
Evo 2019's Mortal Kombat 11 tournament ended with Dominique “SonicFox” McLean lying on stage, his weekend of…
Hajime “Tokido” Taniguchi has been eliminated from Street Fighter V competition at Evo 2019, ending his weekend at 49th place. A perennial favorite, Tokido won the event in 2017 and placed second in 2018.
Seon-woo “Infiltration” Lee is Evo 2019’s Samurai Shodown champion. Typically a Street Fighter player, Infiltation is currently on hiatus from official competition after an investigation into domestic violence allegations against him.
Dragon Ball FighterZ is in a very different place than it was in 2018, especially when it comes to the Evolution…
The next iteration of the Under Night In-Birth franchise, the bafflingly named Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late [cl-r], is coming in early 2020. It will include balance changes and at least one new character.
Clearlamp is the very first Evo champion in Under Night In-Birth. He outlasted several of his fellow Japanese competitors (and one Canadian) to win, all of whom provided further proof that this unique game absolutely deserved its spot at Evo 2019.