Icelandic artist Borkur Eiriksson works at CCP, the custodians of the EVE franchise. Featured in today's gallery,…
Continuing his blossoming love affair with the video game community, conservative pundit Glenn Beck has waded into th…
As has been written before, Sean Smith of the U.S. State Department also was a deeply committed presence inside…
In a memorial service today for four American diplomats assassinated in Libya earlier this week, Secretary of…
Galan Pang works as an artist at CCP's Shanghai studio, where he's done some amazing stuff for upcoming shooter Dust…
Grief, in an online community, can be a shockingly intimate thing. People who have known each other as a collection…
Sean Smith, the US State Department official killed by "militia" in Libya yesterday, was a senior figure in the EVE…
EVE Online and Dust 514 are now linked together via EVE's Singularity test server. Watch out for the ISK black hole!
For those who didn't purchase access earlier, or get their names drawn from CCP's hat after signing up on the web,…
Or, at least, it is in this great piece of concept art for upcoming shooter Dust514, done by artist William Chen.
First off you should know that everything you see in an EvE gameplay video looks roughly 9000x cooler than it does…
I'm trying to remember the last time I read something about EVE Online that involved typical features of an MMO.…
I've tried to get into the universe of EVE Online countless times over the years, but I've never managed to form a…
If you're not one of the lucky EVE Online players who own a PS3 and is already waging war in CCP's upcoming massive…
EVE Online developer CCP takes a break from running massively multiplayer online games less successful than World of…
EVE Online developer CCP bundled their players' names into a pod earlier this week and shot it into the stratosphere,…
EVE Online players spend their time zipping through the cosmos, making deals and trading goods across vast swaths…
Andrei Cristea is a lead character artist at CCP, the developers behind EVE Online. You know those awesome human…
The correct answer, as EVE Online players already know, is last year, when an expansion to the game brought about…
In most MMOs, if a player spearheaded a public, concerted crusade to destroy the game's economy, the game's…