The Week in Games is back but, as is expected in January, we don't have much to share. The western release of Anarchy…
There's a reason Nintendo owned the on-the-go gaming market for decades. From the Game Boy to the 3DS XL, the House…
Nintendo's Wii U is out, and say what you will about the innovative new controller or long loading times, it's…
Small things stand out the most in December, when games publishing comes to nearly a dead stop in observance of the…
In the West, Level-5 is perhaps best known for the Professor Layton puzzle games. In Japan, the Fukuoka-based game…
Fresh off its big evening in Los Angeles on Friday, The Walking Dead gets a retail release on Tuesday. It's joined…
So Nintendo is here to help.
The release calendar perks up this week before its customary winter hibernation. Far Cry 3 is out for consoles and…
For the rest of the year, the major release calendar is looking at Far Cry 3 on Dec. 4 and Hawken on Dec. 12, which…
One day in college, a friend of mine* was awakened by the distinctive sound of a man's porn collection in a garbage…
If your friend is a handheld fiend, they may just own a Nintendo 3DS, DS, or Xl version of either.
There are plenty of shows that apparently only certain groups of people can appreciate. Adventure Time? Scoff!…
The Wii U's release opened a floodgate of new releases today, and also made about a dozen early launches on the new…
On Monday, Pokémon enthusiasts can challenge the top 12 trainers from this year's World Championships in Pokémon…
A counterfeiter who made about £600,000 selling cartridges and discs loaded with pirated Nintendo games will do at…
Black Ops II is this week's glamor release, and has been for a very long time. LEGO Lord of the Rings, Just Dance 4…
Halo 4 isn't the only one coming out of hibernation this week. It's the biggest video game doing so, as you can see…
Worried that a power outage might prevent you from playing video games? Worried you might have to do something…
If Hurricane Sandy doesn't wipe out their releases in the American northeast, Tuesday will see two heavily…
One of the more noticeable differences between the East and the West is the prevalence of the handheld console. The…