Igromir 2010, which attentive readers know is the Eastern Europe equivalent of E3, is taking place this week, and…
Igromir 2010, which attentive readers know is the Eastern Europe equivalent of E3, is taking place this week, and…
Before you enter the Free Marches in BioWare's Dragon Age II in March, enter them in EA 2D's Facebook strategy…
A trailer for a belt? Sounds ridiculous, but we can let it slide when it's a belt designed (and forged in comic…
If Dragon Age II's last trailer was a little too pre-rendered for your tastes, you may enjoy this new one more, as…
BioWare is upgrading copies of Dragon Age II preordered before January 11 to the Signature Edition, packed with $20…
From the Quest for Glory days right through to BioWare's own Mass Effect, role-playing sequels have allowed you to…
Hawke might be strong enough as a man, but he makes one damn fine woman. Bioware reveals the more feminine side to…
As good as Dragon Age II's first trailer looked at GamesCom, it looks even better with an extra 40 seconds of blood,…
Just as Mass Effect 2 blurred the line between action role-playing game and third-person shooter, Dragon Age II's…
No, Dragon Age 2 won't look this good, but the Dragon Age 2 trailer that just debuted in Germany should give you a…
Dragon Age II on PC may be retaining its strategic combat mode, but there are other PC-specific features that won't…
Courtesy of a Game Informer visit to the studios of developers BioWare, here is your first look at Dragon Age II in…
BioWare's next big role-playing game, Dragon Age II, will be a very different thing. For starters, the sequel sports…
Dragon Age II takes a page from the Mass Effect playbook, limiting player characters to a male or female human…
The first details we saw about Dragon Age 2 were not shocking. New game, new hero. The second batch of details?…