This dog is an entrant in a character costume contest being run by the people at BioWare, makers of Mass Effect, Kn…
This dog is an entrant in a character costume contest being run by the people at BioWare, makers of Mass Effect, Kn…
Crysis 2 has disappeared from Steam. Ditto for Dragon Age II. There's a war being waged between EA and Steam over…
Valve's online juggernaut and EA's own upstart service Origin are having some problems of late. Problems continuing…
What was wrong with Dragon Age II, Dragon Age fans? Too many recycled environments? Not enough tactical variety?
Dragon Age II was, for many, a bit of a disappointment. Too many recycled environments, too many cheap waves of bad…
Every year experts from the fine art world and the interactive entertainment industry bestow upon video game…
Role-playing game Dragon Age II was a big hit. No wonder BioWare's Alistair McNally tweeted: "I'm looking for…
BioWare today released three pieces of Dragon Age II DLC, one for each of the game's classes. They come in the form…
Just because the lovely ladies and lads of Crabcat Industries craft the best Mass Effect and Dragon Age costumes…
BioWare has released patch 1.02 for Dragon Age II, patching various bugs, quest glitches, and technical foul-ups and…
BioWare celebrates the success of Dragon Age II by giving fans that purchase and register a copy of the game…
Last week we lauded BioWare writer David Gaider for his eloquent defense of the inclusion of love interests for…
When a forum poster decided to criticize the developer for neglecting the core role-playing game market - straight…
I understand that role-playing video games owe their existence to role-playing tabletop games, and as a result,…
As we mentioned yesterday, today's Amazon Gold Box deals are games all day, with Dragon Age II $40 across all…
A spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series, Dragon Age: Origins was the first game of its franchise. Unlike…
Say what you will about BioWare's Dragon Age sequel, one thing that I appreciated was the way the game tried to…
A glowing fan review for Dragon Age II on Metacritic discovered to have been written by a member of the game's…
While the heroes of Dragon Age: Origins were busy saving the world, Hawke and his family were running for their…
One Dragon Age II player recently found himself unable to play the game he'd purchased from EA for an unusual reason.…