Every video game has its peaks and valleys. A game like Destiny 2—one designed to be played as an ongoing hobby,…
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is made with the dedicated Destiny player in mind. It’s an expansion that foregrounds much of…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Red Dead lizard gunspinners, close calls in Monster Hunter, Witcher 3 deep dives,…
Once upon a time, Destiny was new, and no one knew what to expect from it. In those halcyon days, the most exciting…
There are more than a few mysteries tucked away in Destiny 2’s Shadowkeep expansion, some more obvious than others.…
The best feeling for me when I play Destiny 2 is not a perfectly landed shot, nor is it the widely acclaimed…
It’s not every day that a series with as much legacy and history as Destiny suddenly orbital-drops onto Steam. This…
Since last week, scores of Destiny 2 fans have been grinding their teeth over the apparent loss of their year’s…
Husky Raid is a legendary group of Destiny merry-makers known for their elaborately choreographed and meticulously…
I performed a dramatic reading of the names of 400 guns from Destiny 2. Why did I do this? Well, one reason would…
If you have Destiny 2 and can’t figure out how to start the game’s new Vex Offensive, you’re not alone. We were…
This week, Destiny 2—Bungie’s long-running sci-fi shoot-and-loot extravaganza—got a thorough overhaul. With its Shado…
Just after 4 pm ET on Tuesday, Destiny 2 players began to see a warning message. A red line stretched across the…
Since Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is allowing players to go back to the Moon, we thought we’d make a comparison video…
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is a lot to take in. In one fell swoop, the expansion resets player progression, institutes a…
Destiny 2's big New Light overhaul today boosts all existing players to power level 750. It also may slightly adjust…
One of the more exciting things about Destiny 2’s Shadowkeep expansion is how its release will be accompanied by a…
We’re about to begin the final weekend before Destiny 2's big expansion, Shadowkeep, launches, and it’s…
Destiny 2 advice needed, please. It’s a week from the new expansion, which I’m interested in playing. But I only just finished Destiny 2's campaign and am ready to play more this week. I tend to like PvE, don’t like grinding, like seeing new areas, going on fun quests and sidequests. So... what should I do?
I don’t trust waypoints anymore. You know, those little icons on video game maps that show you where your goal is?…