The console port of last year's Resident Evil: Revelations leads the list of this week's new titles, accompanied by…
THQ's bankruptcy couldn't kill it. Now, Metro: Last Light finally arrives for the big three—PC, PS3 and 360. Manhunt…
Few new games this week, probably because Mother's Day is a week from now. And don't you feel awful for looking for…
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, whatever the hell that thing really is, reveals itself on consoles Tuesday and Wednesday. So…
Star Trek, the co-operative action title from Digital Extremes (and Namco and Paramount) graces the top of the…
DC Comics' story-driven fighter from NetherRealm Studios hits shelves on Tuesday, dominating a week lacking any…
Well, if you thought last week was thin, get a load of this week. Indie metroidvania Guacamelee! for the PS3 and…
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
Max Payne 3 is $17.99 (with free shipping) today at Best Buy (360, PS3).
Kotaku's twice weekly roundup of the best discounts, combinations, offers and incentives in video gaming is brought…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…