These images "leaked" by All Games Beta supposedly give us our first proper look at the upcoming Dead Space 3, ahead…

After a mysterious Dead Space teaser surfaced yesterday, what's reported to be Dead Space 3's logo and the game's…
Multi-national releases are a difficult process. Not only are there linguistic and cultural barriers to overcome,…
According to IGN, Dead Space 3 will feature optional co-op play. It'll be drop-in, drop-out. Their source also…
A lot of games set out to tell engaging stories. Some use a narrator, lots of cutscenes or branching dialogue…
Forget NECA's official Dead Space figures, which make Isaac look like was born disfigured. Remember the Dead Space…

If Dead Space is to be remembered for one thing, it should be its navigation system, where pressing a button…
Opus Artz is a concept studio in London which specialises in production art for the video game industry. Among its…
Sideshow is bringing out a limited edition statue of Dead Space hero Isaac Clarke, dressed in his workman's duds…

2011 saw its share of disappointments, but it was also a year that contained a good number of nice surprises. Some…
With 2008 survival horror third-person shooter Dead Space, EA created a hit title. Dead Space went on to spawn a…

Amazon's new $200 Kindle, the Kindle Fire, isn't just a book-reader that happens to run Scrabble and Sudoku. It…
Because Lord only knows Isaac Clarke could do with some more colour and music from time to time.
Cult classic PlayStation 2 game Okami got a Wii port. It never got a NES version, because that system was well…
If EA is making another Dead Space—and it's starting to appear that it is—it may be a radical rethink of the sci-fi…

EA hasn't made it official yet, but odds are pretty damn good that there's going to be a Dead Space 3. And the…
Visceral Games, the team behind the Dead Space series, had a small studio based in Melbourne, Australia. That studio…
Artist Michael Myers was brought in by t-shirt team High Score Society to design a range of gear in which modern…
Dead Space's Isaac is normally running around in the dark scared out of his mind. Here, he's just a kid. Kickin'…
With Dead Space 2's multiplayer component suffering the same fate most of its peers—namely, being entirely forgotten…