Kotaku has already put Kinect through its paces, testing its voice and face recognition capabilities and how well it…
Xbox 360 Kinect's third appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon features Microsoft's Kudo Tsunoda without…
The Xbox 360's Kinect launched today with more than a dozen games. We played through half a dozen of them.
Dance Central is a dancing rhythm game from the folks who created Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Packed with an eclectic…
Remember when Oprah handed out free Kinects to her audience, causing her audience to completely lose its…
What will you be dancing to when MTV Games and Harmonix releases Dance Central for Microsoft's Kinect? Check out…
Kotaku reader Anas in Dubai was surprised to find a Kinect display at his local GeeKay Games, and even more…
Kinect might not be able to read a Big Daddy's Poker Face, but it doesn't seem to have any trouble reading the…
Dance Central, the body-controlled dancing game from the makers of Rock Band, has multiplayer. It's no Kinect…
Dance Central, the upcoming dancing game from Rock Band developer Harmonix, is supporting more than rump shaking.…
Does your Xbox 360 feel incomplete? Is it full of save files and Xbox Live Arcade games, maybe a theme or two but no…
Harmonix has officially confirmed nine songs from Dance Central's danceable soundtrack, including hits like Bell Biv…
Harmonix, as promised, yesterday rolled out a list of six new songs for Rock Band 3 and three for the upcoming…
How many pounds has the lead developer of Kinect game Dance Central lost while making the game? Listen to today's…
Why! Why, you keep asking, did Kotaku heap so many awards on Dance Central? And what about the Game Critics? They…
The game critics have spoken, and the 2010 E3 Game Critics Awards winners have been chosen. Check out a Best of…
The project leader of Kotaku's best new game of E3 2010 will take your calls live on Kotaku Talk Radio tomorrow. And…
What were our favorite games of E3 this year? Let's take a look!
One of the of the most important games of E3, Dance Central, may not be an Xbox 360 exclusive.
Excuse me, "Who wants to see costumed reps testing Dance Central for Kinect? On the last day of E3, one of Rift's…