Noboru Aoi was not happy with Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai ("There's No Way My Sister Is That Cute").…
Heck, do not share anything online in Japan. The Hyogo Prefecture cyber police nabbed a 34 year-old man for doing…
Cosplay is a fine hobby. Heck, if you are into cross-dressing, that's fine—who am I to judge? But flashing people is…
Cards Against Humanity was a popular late-night diversion at PAX East last weekend, making appearances at gaming…
Anders Behring Breivik—the man who confessed to killing 77 people last year in the worst mass murder Norway has…
Chicago. Arizona. Tennesee. New Zealand. England. Now a man in Polk County, Florida is accused of murdering his…
Japan's Nikkan Spa recently posted images of a Chinese robot cop "patrolling" the streets. Despite looking humanoid,…
Founded in early 2011, homoerotic fantasy website "Boys Love Novels Online" ("耽美小说网") recently went offline. The…
Straight from Korea, we have a story that seems to meld all the most awful components of video game stories that hit…
People live in Japan longer than they do in any other country. The number of centenarians is at record numbers. Know…
As of today, thousands of sex offenders will no longer be able to log onto online gaming platforms, thanks to a…
Games2U is a mobile franchise business that operates vans packed with video game consoles, renting them out for…
Japan's Fukuoka Prefecture is, according to Fuji TV, offering people ¥100,000 (US$1,200) for each found hand…
This week in Osaka, 23 year-old Eriko Tashiro and her boyfriend Daigorou Umezaki, 31, were sentenced to prison for…
In Batt-ambang town, Cambodia, Sok Thoeun got angry at his 13 year-old son after catching him in an internet cafe,…
A girl in the United Kingdom put away a man who molested her thanks to the camera on her Nintendo DSi, using it to…
A preteen who killed a friend inside a Georgia home was playing Activision's popular first-person-shooter before…
On Monday employees at a Super CD in Johannesburg, South Africa realized two PlayStation Vita systems were missing…
This month, a Chinese schoolgirl was nabbed, smuggling not one iPhone, not two iPhone, but twenty-five. Chinese…
According to Chinese newspaper The People's Daily, a 25 year-old married woman named QianQian met a man called…