If Sega receives 100 pieces of fan-made concept art for Project Needlemouse Badniks, we can finally stop calling…
If the weather outside is frightful, there's a good chance Victor Fries is out there somewhere. Sony Online…
With Uncharted 2 out and scarfing up a bathtub of major awards, especially for visuals, the games' creators are…
The legal back and forth between Interplay and Bethesda over the rights to make a Fallout massively multiplayer game…
Majesco reveals new concept art and the cover to the Wii reimagining of NES classic A Boy and His Blob as part of…
Dylan Cole, an artist formerly with Ensemble Studios, has on his personal Web site some concept pieces for a…
Gamescom brings more Heavy Rain screens and concept art. These all come after Sony showed the game off at its press…
Pandemic's art director Chris Hunt found the inspiration for The Saboteur's main character at a concept artist…
Last week Obsidian Entertainment confirmed what we've known for months: The Aliens RPG is officially dead. This…
Taking an iconic video game character and reverse-engineering it as a prototype is a delicate task. Let's look at a…
"Early on there was a small faction within the team that wanted the new Elite Guards to be less 'sexy' and more…
The latest batch of art and screens for Pandemic's The Saboteur display some of the more tangible benefits of being…
Online game developer Nitrogen has just announced L.A.W., a post-apocalyptic multiplayer online game for adults…
I can't yet write about what we were shown at Double Fine's San Francisco studio earlier this week, but I did get…
This fine bit of work from God of War series concept artist Cecil Kim depicts the mighty Fire Titan, displaying the…
Concept art for a never published Playstation 3 robot game for concept art studio Leading Light.
You can argue whether games end as art, but there's no debating how they start. Behind every shooter, every action…
Nick Carver is looking for a job. Which sucks for him because now's probably not the best time to be doing that.…