Let's say you were on stage with Mario and Luigi during a Nintendo event at a digital entertainment fair in…
Let's say you were on stage with Mario and Luigi during a Nintendo event at a digital entertainment fair in…
This is Glory Days, an upcoming DSiWare strategy game from Odenis. If you think it looks like renowned Nintendo…
Is it sad that the closest video games are able to come to commemorating Veteran's/Armistice/Remembrance Day is the…
At least, that's what these new commercials for the console in Latin America are saying.
What if you took New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS and hacked a complete recreation of Super Mario 3 into…
Ignition Entertainment shuttered its Florida studio earlier this month, deep-sixing the game the 70 developers…
Click to viewWhen Bowser opens Mario's foul-mouthed roast at Peach's Castle with insult gags like "Mario, you beat…
Creepy, subtle, seemingly completely unrelated to video games, this Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood video is exactly…
Any video game deserves an equally epic live-action counterpart. That's why Gary Bigham, pro-LARPer, turned to…
I still think Sonic Free Riders for Kinect is a broken game. And I'm not alone. But it sounds like there is a whole…
Ubi Workshop pulls back the curtain on Assasssin's Creed Ascendance, the work previously known as Secret Project…
I loved Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Xbox 360. I assume the PS3 version is just as great.
It's World War II, but with fangs, a large woman and controversial director Uwe Boll.
GoldenEye 007 for the Wii may feature a new James Bond and all-new graphics, but as this comparison video shows,…
Filmmaker Brad Crawford wants to chronicle the past, present and future of the Japanese arcade game scene with a…
Can you forgive the shallow uncanny valley of a computer generated Jeff Bridges? If so, the new Tron Legacy…
Nintendo gears up for this Sunday's release of Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem for the Nintendo DS with…
Call of Duty: Black Ops hit stores today, so if you haven't had a chance to check out the cornucopia of easter…
If you thought that Fallout: New Vegas unboxing was sexy, then you've not seen anything yet. A triumph of Call of…