Ever wonder what those amazing cosplayers you see at video game and anime shows get up to when the crowds of…
The mighty Norse God Thor will be appearing in upcoming fighting game Marvel vs Capcom 3. You'd think he was there…
Click to viewGeorge "GeoHot" Hotz, the hacker who helped blow the doors off the PlayStation 3's copy protection…
Video game developers constantly strive to create the most lifelike games imaginable. Stanford physicist Ingmar…
When a thousand freshly made Orcs—all on an even Level 1 playing field—get together for a scuffle in World of…
We've seen the Burning Man Festival, the World Trade Center, and a lot of weird sex stuff recreated in the virtual…
What's striking about this quick visual chronicle of the history of video games isn't just how games have become…
One of YouTube's most popular gamers, Wings of Redemption, interrupts his flow of clips about Modern Warfare,…
The Arena player-versus-player system coming in Diablo III blew fans away at BlizzCon 2010. Stunlock Studios'…
When was the last time you heard an a capella send up of shooter Battlefield: Bad Company 2? Never? Me too!
The fiction of FEAR 3, the concept of killer and victim teaming up to confront something horrific, is thick with…
The PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV can be a funny beast when people start to mess around with it. Take, for…
Jumping the flagpole in Super Mario Bros. is possible. This has been proven. Have you seen it on World 1-1, though?…
Can your Nintendo miss you? Can you keep it together while a man reflects on the misty water-colored memories of…
Yesterday Guinness awarded Jesse Moerkerk of Dutch gaming magazine N-Gamer a world record certificate for playing…
Why is Bishop Paul Ojeda preaching in front of a giant Wii Remote and some of those tall mushrooms from Super…
In the months leading up to a violent Tucson shooting spree, gamers and friends say Jared Lee Loughner spent time…
Our latest look at Capcom's portable take on Okami was full of breaking wind.
Billionaire Bruce Wayne uses his fortune to fund his never-ending war on crime. If events had played out…
The fatalities in classic fighting game Mortal Kombat are so horrible. But have you seen what happens after them?