At this point I am convinced the guys at Criterion have just gone completely batshit insane. They've introduced…
Criterion continues to deliver the Burnout Paradise goodness, this time with a preview of a very special vehicle…
Criterion has been updating the hell out of Burnout Paradise lately, and as a rash of new blog posts on their…
It's not really an Easter egg, but if you have Burnout Paradise and you're wondering where the hell that Obama ad…
Presidential candidate and Pong fan Barack Obama has, in the past, urged parents to "turn off the television set,…
Don't look to video game Burnout Paradise for escapism from real life politics. Democratic candidate Barack Obama…
Burnout Paradise for the PlayStation 3 has updated again, this time delivering trophy support to achievement-hungry…
PlayStation 3 users who have been too lazy to get up off their asses and make their way to the store to pickup…
Bear with us. See, Criterion have gone all digital download crazy lately. First Burnout Paradise goes download-only…
The Burnout Bike update is now available as promised for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Burnout…
Last month we gave you the scoop on the the Bikes expansion for Burnout Paradise. Turns out if you're one of the…
If you have ever played Burnout Paradise and thought, "Hmm.. Needs more bike." then have I got the post for you! An…
If you missed Burnout Paradise on PS3 back in January, now is the time to get your open-world speed on as the racer…
The "Cagney" update for Burnout Paradise on the Xbox 360 will arrive via Xbox Live tomorrow. Developer Criterion…
Criterion is now "aiming," as it says, for an early August release for its long-awaited "Cagney" update to Burnout…
Once was a time Burnout was all about the cars. Then they went and brought bikes into the mix, and everything changed…
The confirmed list of Trophy-ready PlayStation 3 games may not blow your hair back, but at least one more…
Criterion continues to roll out their giant content patches for Burnout Paradise. Hot on the heels of the Bogart…
Well that was certainly one hell of a long week. After Criterion recalled the Bogart patch for Burnout Paradise on…
Burnout Paradise is coming to the PC, Electronic Arts announced today.