Nintendo thought it was a good idea to add Platinum’s M-rated action heroine to the Super Smash Bros. roster. I…
Surprise! The final Super Smash Bros. character is the witch Bayonetta, who has become remarkably popular thanks to…
It's pretty well-documented that at least one lead developer at Platinum is deeply in love with old-school games. So…
In many action games, offense and defense tend to feel like two separate mechanics that sometimes talk to each…
It surprised people when Nintendo revealed alternate costumes for Bayonetta that let her look like some of the…
"If games don't offer us complex heroines, then we apparently stop looking for them." That's critic Maddy Myers discussing kink, sex positivity, and female empowerment in Bayonetta in an excellent essay for Paste. Give the whole thing a read, and remember to check out our review of Bayonetta 2. Read more
Bayonetta 2 is a game that already has tons of cool weapons and moves. But it's got even more that you'll have to…
There are a lot of boss battles in Bayonetta 2. They're all sort of overblown, in a good way. Need proof? Here they…
"What if you could feel good all the time?" That's the question that Bayonetta 2 seems to ask. It answers that…
The Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra universe is tailor-made for a good video game. It boggles my mind…
Bayonetta 2 isn’t the only thing Bayonetta hitting store shelves next week: The awesomely over-the-top anime Bayonett…
While I'm waiting for Bayonetta 2's release here in the states, I've been listening to the sound track, particularly…
The original Bayonetta was touted as “non-stop climax action.” But that tag line fits the sequel even better, as Ba…
After the famously fudged-up PlayStation 3 port of Platinum Games sexy action game, fans were rightly cautious…
Eleven hours in to my live-stream of Bayonetta 2, I had beaten the game and was looking to enjoy my first meal of…
Oh dear. Bayonetta 2 is out in Japan, and it looks like a terrific game. The early buzz on it is super positive.…
I may want nothing more right now than to crawl into a corner and die from exhaustion after an exhilarating dose…
There was a Nintendo Direct earlier today, and it was all about Bayonetta 2. Those not dying for the game wouldn't…
Bayonetta 2 will be released in North America on October 24, Nintendo announced. As we've previously learned, the game will be hitting the Wii U alongside the first Bayonetta—so mark your calendars, 'cause Bayonetta is going full Nintendo on October 24. Read more
Familiarity is underrated in video games. Sometimes, I don't want anything new or crazy. Sometimes, I just want to…