One of Super Smash Bros. For Wii U’s more controversial characters is in the spotlight again. Pros and casuals alike…
Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta 1 arrived on the Nintendo Switch today but for some players the download code included for…
For years, the Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2 has been like that amazing restaurant that’s tucked away in a depressing…
This is not a review of Bayonetta. Oh no, my friend. This is something else entirely. Bayonetta—and its sequel Bayone…
There are moments in Bayonetta 2 that are such a visual feast, I wished I could slow everything down with Witch…
Saleem “Salem” Young, who plays the controversial Smash 4 fighter Bayonetta, clinically tore through the game’s top…
In addition to Bayonetta 3, the earlier Bayonetta games are also headed to the Nintendo Switch, with 1 & 2 out in…
Zack “CaptainZack” Lauth is usually known for his dancing outside of Super Smash Bros. For The Wii U, but in today’s…
This is an image the newly opened Platinum Games Twitter account put out earlier today, compliments of artist and…
It’s Tuesday, and Zack “CaptainZack” Lauth is waiting on a plane. His flight’s been delayed twice. At 15 years old,…
Over the decades, there have been so many great action games. But which one do people in Japan like best? This poll…
Bayonetta is on Steam, and Steam users have absolutely no chill about it.
Bayonetta is out on PC today, following an April Fool’s joke and a teaser clockdown that led up to today’s surprise…
You can now download 8-Bit Bayonetta on Steam and play it for free. Unfortunately, the demake which doubles as an April Fools’ joke is a bit feature incomplete. Bayonetta can only jump and fire at the oncoming enemies so there’s no side-scrolling exploration.
It’s been ten years. Platinum Games was founded on August 1, 2006. Since then, the Osaka-based game company has…
Just because a game was released in 2014 that doesn’t mean it’s undiscoverable in 2016. Thank YouTube for that.…
I still can’t believe that all of these characters are in the same game.
Announced via Nintendo of America Twitter butt shot, Bayonetta and Corrin arrive in Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS this Wednesday, February 3.
Earlier this month we found out that M-rated action star Bayonetta would be one of the final competitors added to Sup…