Land in a really cool way, right after jumping out from an exploding plane, then level the whole surrounding area…
Okay, yes, 'Levolution' is a really silly name for a Battlefield 4 feature...but don't underestimate how cool it…
I'm sure some experienced players will say there's art in an elegant kill, but in this instance, I'm talking about…
This isn't just any quick over view of the many places you'll attack, defend and possibly even kill other dudes in:…
Let’s just admit it. Battlefield 4 was never a game you were going to play for the single-player.
Curious to see what the same game looks like on two new, different systems? This video from IGN should help.
Can't believe that Battlefield 4 is already here, and that it's basically already November. The latest in EA's…
Man, remember the Battlefield 3 single-play story, with the train and the...that rat? There was definitely a rat.…
The Battlefield 4 beta is officially over, and DICE says the game is ready to launch on October 29. This limited…
Look, it's pretty clear that Battlefield 4 - a game designed to sing on powerful PCs and next-gen consoles - was…
Apparently, the tower's screen in the Battlefield 4 beta has a blue screen of death when it's collapsing. That's a nice little detail added to the Siege of Shanghai map (as long as it stays on the tower). Read more
Recorded and sped up on a PC, in spectator mode, YouTuber derbestefan's video shows a completely different Battlefiel…
Battlefield 4 is currently in beta. So is the elevator that shoots players into the sky. Some gamers have been…
It's a rule of thumb: Let people create things, and you're definitely going to see dick drawings. You might even see…
Most of the footage we've seen of Battlefield 4 so far has been gorgeous. There's a reason for that: we've either…
Battlefield 4 is scheduled to release on October 29th for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, followed by the…
EA confirmed today that Battlefield 4's beta will begin on October 1 for some, and October 4 for the rest. Which…
EA and DICE have released the specs for the PC version of Battlefield 4. And hey, guess what. It's demanding.
This is what competition gets you. It gets you a development studio, DICE, trying to convince you that they are…