The elevators in Battlefield 4? They're fine, as long as you ignore stuff like this, straight from a horror movie. But glitchy elevator physics is the price we have to pay for collapsing buildings and levolution moments. Read more
Oh Battlefield, I love you so much, but you are so wonky. The first expansion has been out for less than a day and…
You're supposed to be able to stay connected and absorb at least a few bullets during the online frenzy of a Battlefi…
Having a good time in Battlefield 4 in an unconventional way doesn't always mean stacking 64 players into an…
At 9:10pm ET Amazon will have the first lightning deal through its new Playstation Network store, discounting Battlef…
A gold battlepack in Battlefield 4 - full of the game's best gear - is a rare and wonderful thing. But not as rare…
Say you're coming up on a corner in a hallway. There might be some guys on the other side who. I don't know want to…
Now, that is one impressive Battlefield 4 moment right there. One guy comes in low with his jet and jumps out while…
The PC version of Battlefield 4 has been either broken or down for many people all weekend long, after the game's…
Battle Myths: check out the latest episode of Battlefield 4 mythbusters by DefendTheHouse, where they find that not only can you ride the top of a helicopter without getting hurt, but enemy medkits can in fact heal you. Now someone go out there and make a ridiculous top of the helicopter montage!
While the new Battlefield 4 DLC doesn't drop until December, you can see what new weapons and gadgets it'll introduce to the game thanks to this jackfrags video. Is it just me or does the SUAV seem like it'll be a lot of fun to play with?
One of the PlayStation 4's coolest advertised features is Remote Play, which will allow gamers to play PS4 games on…
It takes up a lot of time and dedication, organizing an event where a full server of 64 people jump off a skyscaper…
We did it for the beta, so there's no reason to skip the funniest and glitchiest moments of Battlefield 4 proper.…
Can you imagine the ridiculous Battlefield moments arising from the fact that you can revive a falling player? Oh,…
Like most online games, Battlefield 4 on PC is having some teething problems. While they're not as severe as certain
Dem Battlefield moments: talk about a close call in Battlefield 4—the player had to stop piloting and start repairing before the aircraft hit the ground. Just baaarely does. Damn! (h/t r/gaming)
With roots that stretch back more than a decade and enough fans to justify new content every year, Battlefield is…