We should have gotten action figure tie-ins for every game Activision released on the Atari 2600, but we didn't,…
With it's sexy wood paneling and those iconic controllers, the Atari 2600 is one of the most readily recognizable…
When Breaking Bad finished, I rounded up some of dorkier roles lead actor Bryan Cranston had been in over the years,…
Drawn to the Atari Age forums this week by Princess Rescue—the port of Super Mario Bros. to the Atari VCS—I stumbled…
Almost three years ago, Ed Fries—a Microsoft executive instrumental in acquiring Bungie and making Halo the…
Do you think people get emotional about today's gaming consoles? Have you noticed that the people running…
You know the story. Almost everyone who wielded a joystick in the 1980s does: the tie-in game for Steven…
Air Raid was a mediocre game released in 1982 for the Atari 2600. Very few copies were produced or sold, which…
"Pure" can have a lot of interpretations. For artist Andrew Miller (whose work we've covered before) and his "Brand…
Once believed to be a hoax, vintage Atari game Red Sea Crossing has in recent years emerged as one of the holy…
There were a lot of one-hit wonders in the 1980s, but David Crane isn't one of them. The Activision programmer was…
Many video game records are thought to be extremely difficult, if not theoretically impossible to beat. There's one…
Actually, Adventure, the Atari 2600 game that introduced video game Easter eggs to the popular imagination, among…
Hurry! There are only two days left until this auction for "Le Stick" closes. You can have this hunk of junk for…
Howard Warshaw—the man who created the beloved best-selling Yar's Revenge for the Atari 2600—said that a decent…
Sure, you could debate legislative achievements and spheres of influence to determine who history's greatest leader…
We live in an age of gaming gorgeousness. Gamers' lives nowadays are filled with fancy normal mapping and…
When you think about it, commercial video games are usually pretty harmless. Sure, they can be violent, but there's…
I'll confess to knowing jack shit about Twin Peaks, David Lynch's cult hilt surreal television mystery that lasted…
Movie to video game adaptations of the early 1980s were difficult things. Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. the Extra…