And you can get all up in this one's face thanks to Block_Fortress' Minecraft map.
And you can get all up in this one's face thanks to Block_Fortress' Minecraft map.
As I pondered the recent and lovely modding work of Finnish artist Jarno Kotavuopio, I pondered the perfection of…
Last year, we told you about an art book that was raising funds to help pay for Blizzard artist Kevin Kanai…
Playing with the camera angles and the shaders to make this Minecraft town…
Three Eidolons from Final Fantasy XIII, Brynhildr, Bahamut and Odin, looking all amazing as custom 3D models.
One of the few things that wasn't computer-generated in the recent Hobbit movies was all the sweet Middle Earth…
Unlike champions in various MOBAs, StarCraft units don't have any skins or any cosmetic features, so we have to…
Especially when said huge battleships are Minecraft creations.
Internet Explorer looks shy, which makes sense if you think about all the rejection he has to face everyday. Poor…
Scar from The Lion King is one dapper gentleman in Hyung86's Disney University fanart series. In-universe, he teaches political science, and is a fan of classical music, English literature, and... Jeremy Irons films. Of course. Look below for Professor Scar in his full glory, and over here for more from Hyung86. Read more
No longer content with just 2D icons, redditor rwbronco remodeled (the majority of) World of Warcraft's health potions in 3D. They all make for pretty good wallpapers, along with rwbronco's 3D hearthstone model from about a week ago. The potions are all in an embedded Imgur album below. Read more
Illustrator/Legend of Zelda fan Jessica Smith, to celebrate Zelda Wii U coming out this year, painted this magnificent picture of what the Forest Temple might look like in the game. It probably won't be anywhere near as beautiful as it is here. Look here for more of Smith's work, and below for the full painting. Read more
Yeah, a big part of the appeal of Power Rangers (and Super Sentai) is how damn corny everything is, but let's…
It's not that Far Cry 4's version of The Himalayas is ugly, far from it, but just look at this.
These League of Legends characters and environments weren't made by Riot Games, they were made by fans. But Riot…
Osgiliath, capital of the Kingdom of Gondor, was the Kingdom's greatest city before it was eventually abandoned in…
We all know the Circus of Values clown. We've all bought ammo, EVE hypos and health kits "from him" dozens of…
From Firelink Shrine, where you first set foot in Lordran upon your arrival from the Asylum, to Blighttown and the…
Who knows what the future will be like? Um, video games do. In 2027, we'll never ask for cyborg limbs. In 2072,…