Elysian Park, near Dodger Stadium in LA, isn’t just home to dry grass. There’s also, if you’re willing to equip a…

Who knew toothpicks could be such a good substitute for 8-bit graphics? I sure didn’t.
The very talented Marinko Milosevski looks back at Super Mario 64 with his latest poster. As usual, you can acquire a print through Marinko’s website—but if you’d prefer to just look, you can find the poster in its full glory below.
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Hoenn would turn into a post-apocalyptic region in days with Wario-like Pokémon running around. And judging by…
From the talented JonasDrawsStuff (whose Rocket Raccoon is my desktop wallpaper) by way of Reddit comes Star Fox in the style of classic Hanna-Barbera cartoons. Someone go back in time and make this happen.
Redditor jessmeixing was commissioned by the creators of Royal Guards, a Zelda web series that's currently on IndieGoGo, to paint this piece of concept art of Hyrule Castle from Ocarina of Time. It's pretty darn good, and my crappy GIF really doesn't do it justice, so make sure to check out the original pic below. Read more
The worst thing about this wallpaper? Having to cover it in icons. Redditor wrathes took a couple months to draw a lineup of Team Fortress 2's cast, in both Red and Blue flavors, recently presenting it in the form of a sweet 1080p wallpaper. Read more
Yu Zhilin and his son's work is solid proof that the Transformers movies are the most popular thing in China, and in…

Tomo Tanaka is a "miniature artist." That doesn't mean he is of small stature. Oh no, but his art certainly is.
FIGHT! Round 1 is a zine that's getting some of the internet's best artists together for a single purpose: "create…
Well aren't you an adorable little nightmare-blob? Yes you are!
Brazilian artist Butcher Billy created an army of superpowered heroes based on iconic post-punk musicians such as…
Meet Monami Ohno. The art school grad excels at making highly detailed models and sculptures out of cardboard,…
When you take two Pokémon and mix them together for something entirely new, that's called Pokémon splicing or…
Artist Jeff Victor created a series of cartoon-style illustrations featuring the many faces of Batman and his main…
Tettix first showed off his massive illustration of Dark Souls' Lordran at the end of January, when it was still a…
I'm not kidding with that "beautiful" up there. These aren't even photos, they're scans of slides, and you just…
The attention to small details is just incredible in Polish enthusiast Bernard Szukiel's paper replica of the…
Yhrite's latest Source Filmmaker creation crosses Team Fortress 2 and Hotline Miami—timely, considering Hotline Miami 2 came out last week. You can find lots more SFM art over at Yhrite's DeviantArt gallery. Read more
"This is what I think Wind Waker would look like on the SNES," writes gilamasan, the guy behind this piece of Zelda fanart. "I imagined the sailing would be done with Mode 7 graphics like in Super Mario Kart and F-Zero." Looks about right to me. Head over here to see more of gilamasan's artwork. Read more