Prop master Harrison Krix has outdone himself this time. What begins as a replica Skyrim shield—and an impressive…
Titan Books has got together with Electronic Arts to release an art book that celebrates the work not just of the…
Telltale's Mark Darin, just for kicks, has taken 2012 adventure series The Walking Dead (which he helped write) and…
Zombies make everything better. They really do. Even Japanese politics.
Optimus Prime, Raphael, guys like that, they never needed any help looking tough. But if you cast your eyes over all…
I showed you the Mass Effect entries in CGHub's big BioWare competition last week, so today, it's only fair that Drag…
We've seen Mario as a GTA character, which is badass on its own. But have we seen him fully outfitted as a punk rock…
There's currently a competition running over on CGHub, a big community of artists who (mostly) work in the…
After visiting a friend in Hong Kong, Swedish photographer Christian Åslund thought the streets below looked like…
This incredible, miniature rendition of Winterfell—as it's seen in the opening credits to the Game of Thrones TV…
Here's a scene from Fallout: New Vegas re-done Hotline Miami style. I wonder how a game like this would work? How…
Let's close our eyes and dream that, after post-apocalyptic waterworlds, train rides and gritty cowboy tales,…
We know, for the most part, what's inside the PlayStation 4. We even know what the controller is going to be like.…
Art is hard. You must practice. But some pictures are easier to draw than you think, once you have the steps. Take…

We've shown some of the artwork and character designs that Brazilian artist Victor Hugo Queiroz has been doing for…
It's hugely popular, but there's no Breaking Bad video game. At least, not officially. There probably won't be,…
So special effects wizard Stan Winston has a school named after him, aimed at instructing whole new generations in…
The Mona Lisa might be a masterpiece, but that hairdo is so dated! That's perhaps why a Chinese net user decided to…
Back in 2011, Keisuke Yamada became an internet sensation. His art was spectacular. It was also bananas.

You might be burned out on "Gangnam Style". Even if you are, this deserves your attention. It shows a flipbook of…