Weaselhammer of Vector Sigma Creations is the very talented person behind this magnificent-looking replica of the…
According to papercraft-master minidelirium, even with instructions and templates it took more than 200 hours to…
Studio Ghibli still uses traditional animation techniques. You know, hand-drawn. And while it did loan out…

Check out the handiwork of Josh Summana, the guy behind this very cool time lapse of a Tomb Raider digital…
A steel, robotic killing machine that's ready to take orders. It's like something out of science fiction. Or,…
Artist Jón Kristinsson runs a site called Point n' Clicking, where he posts images of famous adventure game…
Artist Marinko Milosevski has created another trio of Legend of Zelda posters, adding A Link to the Past, Twilight…
Crowsmack has the walls of Dark Souls fans in mind with these two vintage-inspired posters based on the game, which…
Enormous jewels that people have to hide in pots? Or worse, bury in the grass, outside? That's not how you manage an…
Somewhere between comics, cartoons, and real life, PaperChildren exist. These are 2D drawings, thrown into 3D space.…
If you grew up Catholic like me, you can only have one response to seeing the creation above: "Holy Samus, Mother…
I thought giant Majora's Mask illustrations were good. And, hey, they are. But enormous portraits of Shigeru…

It's the year of the snake, and this snake drawing will blow your mind. Promise.
Comic artist Brentalfoss has come up with a video game alphabet that I would buy as a poster in a heartbeat. Oh, it's…
Later today, Sony is expected to reveal the PlayStation 3's successor. Kotaku has already dished exclusive details…

This dramatic piece of Mario art starts as a sketch, but winds up displaying the plumber at his most badass.
French artist Bastien Vives, whose cosmopolitan video game art does little to dispel French stereotypes, returns…
In Game of Thrones, there is a throne made of swords. In Mike DeWolfe's backyard, there's one made of twenty or so…
On February 20, there's a good chance we'll not only get to see the PlayStation 4, but also get to see its branding.…
Look, I know if there was a list of the top 100 toughest bosses in video gaming, Minish Cap's Vaati wouldn't make…