First, there were Pokemon travel posters that advertised vacation locales around Kanto. Now Chuz0r adds to that…
Man, you’d think that being a recurring villain in one of Nintendo’s best-loved franchises would get you a decent…
I don't know about you, but if I had the chance to play a Borderlands game that looked like this conceptual piece by …
Pacific Rim never got an 8-bit Nintendo game. Why? Because Guillermo Del Toro wasn't making big Hollywood movies…
Digital artist Eric Ridgeway has added a few more pixels to the classic monsters from Doom and Doom II, making them…
It might be a little grim to imagine Pokemon in the world of Attack on Titan, but, hey! Titans only eat humans,…
Square Enix consistently protects its trademarks and copyrights. And still people consistently use them without…
This isn't a boy in Beijing playing with crickets. No, it's a sidewalk drawing. Make that, an incredible sidewalk…
Dear lord, the things people make on the internet.
It's a shame that we don't get to see too much of Elizabeth's guardian, the Songbird, in BioShock Infinite.…
Digital artist Fernando Reza added seven new really cool posters to his series, in which Super Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom meet World War II-style propaganda. The series is also available in his store. Read more
We've featured the work of Joaquin Baldwin before, but now he's back with a full set of Final Fantasy VII low-poly…
Three weeks ago, freelance animator Justin Chan put out a call over Twitter for 151 different artists to draw the…
This morning, we got a closer look at the world in The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. What most people…
If Hunter S. Thompson was a Pokemon trainer, pxlbyte figures he might've written "Fear and Loathing in Viridian City.…
Dark Souls as an isometric, 2D game? Yes please! The memorable bossfight against Ornstein and Smough looks absolutely stunning in digital artists Cyangmou's and Wolfenoctis' reimagination. Read more
It's summer! Time to hit the beach, get a tan, and look at giant sand sculptures of anime characters. Yay!
All you need to do to make someone seem less fierce is to catch them prancing around without a care in the world,…
Digital artist Jul-Forza Pedro has a massive gallery of awesome pixelated video game artwork. I've picked three of my favorites, unforgettable moments from Resident Evil, The Last of Us and Final Fantasy VII. Read more