Time marches on. Things change. So do styles. But how did Japan's animation and manga styles evolve?
As soon as I acquired the Dragon Priest Morokei Mask is Skyrim, I never — NEVER — took it off. So this new,…

Australian artist Sam Jinks used to be in animation, but a few years back shifted gears and started sculpture. He…
Japan Post mail collection boxes tend to look the same: They're either large and red or large and orange-red.…
Three years ago, Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto told me that he had the work of Surrealist painter Rene Magritte…

There's a clarity to this version of the Donkey Kong arcade game that the original arcade cabinet just can't match.…

Reader Rick has been hard at work recreating the intro to classic RPG Chrono Trigger in high definition. He's now…
Harrison Krix, from Volpin Props, has shared some images of the build for one of his latest works, replicating the…

The last we saw of Darth Vader's prototype Tie Advanced fighter, it was spinning off into space while the first…

A ridiculously powerful camera has let a German photographer take some of the most incredible footage I have ever…
Bats are blind. So, shouldn't comic artists be able to draw The Batman with their eyes closed? Or something?

Well, this is cool. And a little bit brain-hurting.
Did you know that you can make art by using tea? If you're Dara Gold, artist and illustrator from Toronto, you can…
Paula Deen, who was a Food Network star until it turned out she was fond of the odd racial slur or two, does not…
Need one more reason to get excited about Pacific Rim? How about the fact there's a poster for the movie that was…
So powerful has been Sony's messaging to date with the PlayStation 4 that, despite it not even being out yet, the…
That Rex just realized Metal Gear Solid's Snake is right in front of him. How fast can those mechanical legs run away? Amazingly detailed artwork by ChasingArtwork and it reminds me of Yoji Shinkawa's original concept arts, which is not a bad thing. Read more
Blizzard concept artist Laurel Austin, who we've showcased on our Fine Art feature previously, just released this…

Canberra, Australia is a city of few highlights, but one genuinely cool thing it does have going for it is the…
Digital artist Little Miss Paintbrush drew and transformed all the major Studio Ghibli characters into the most…