3D printing is perfect for models with low polygon counts. Joabaldwin proves this with these precise recreations of…

"Twenty year-old Katie Lawrence lives her life as a human doll," the Barcroft TV announcer says. "Katie is obsessed…
Takayuki Takeya is one of Japan's most talented—and unusual figure sculptors. His work is sometimes dark and even…
Patricia had this image tucked away inside a story from earlier today, but I thought it was too magnificent not to…
Gotta be the latter. If Nintendo had managed to make piranha plants look like this in the 80s, a lot of people's…

Mass Effect's Mako gets a bad rap from many folks, but really, its heart was in the right place. That, and the fact…
This kind of business, at least for its older games, isn't really Nintendo's style. The New Super Mario Bros. series…
Mike Wrobel is at it again: here's a collection of even more Game of Throne characters as bad 80s/90s stereotypes.…
The next time you go to New York City’s Museum of Modern Art to take in, say, a retrospective of Le Corbusier,…

If you've never seen The IT Crowd, I feel bad for you, son. I also suggest you watch this.
Anatomic Latex is a store that specialises in, well, latex cosplay gear. For those sci-fi and comic book characters…
The Sector 7 train graveyard, one of the earliest locations in Final Fantasy VII, was an empty and depressing place,…
This is great. It's what Link's home screen would look like, if the Nintendo of the future ditched his…

This is not a painting. It's actually a game called Morphopolis.
Sir Arthur from Ghosts 'n Goblins portrayed as a 60s hippie, or Kaneda from Akira as Pac-Man is not something that…
As part of the Switch Fringe festival in Ipswich, England, artist The Decibel Kid drew this map of the city to help…
Made by artist and designer Tobias Wüstefeld for the We Love 8 Bit show in Austria this month, these two pieces…
After the PS4 beatdown, the next-biggest thing amongst internet gif makers last week was the announcement of the…
Know why Eidos and AMD made such a big deal about Lara's hair in the new Tomb Raider? Because video game hair is…
Look, I know there's this underground movement trying to get Monster Hunter going in the West, but most people -…