Sony has a long-running tradition of customising PlayStation consoles, sometimes giving them to celebrities, a…

I ain't telling you no lie. The hook brings you back — even if you've got one eye.
It's not just Wind Waker's graphics that have got the HD treatment. The game's best piece of key art - a simplified…
A few too many mushroom pickups and Mario Kart transforms into a seriously strange and gorgeous 1930-style grand…
The PS4. The Xbox One. The Ouya. The Game Stick. 2013's turning out to be the year for all sorts of new hardware…
Sif, a boss from Dark Souls, is looking mighty fine on this mighty fine poster by artist Gibbs Rainock, who you…

I tried to sit down and watch Ultramarines, Games Workshops' official animated Warhammer 40K film, a few years ago.…
The appeal of 8-bit music, retro graphics and other art forms defined by their limits, beautifully explained by…

It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud at some video game character design.
This is not a retouched photo. It's not a 3D model, or an actor dressed as perhaps the United States' greatest ever…

Two years ago, the Internet stumbled across a guy who would work upwards of two hours to create virtuoso sprite…
When I woke up this morning, you know what I said to myself? "Man, I sure would like a game loosely based on Joy…
The world-famous Rubber Duck art installation is spawning a slew of imitators in China. This weekend, at least ten…
Forget canvases. Forget dull poses. Forget all that. That's exactly what artist Hikaru Cho is doing, so you should,…

I end up watching a lot of news in my line of work, and one thing that is frequently hammered home is this:…
One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda has been accused of copying others before. So please don't be surprised that people…
Maybe because it had a relatively strong lead female character, maybe because it had some hunky dudes, maybe because…
The Missouri goober who last year was leading a senate race against the incumbent until he decided to mouth off…
Artist RJ Palmer has taken his "realistic" series of Pokemon illustrations and put them all on the one image, which…