Drawing a realistic 3D Yoshi from Mario Kart with chalk is one thing, but the way the fine folks at the AweMeChannel…
Drawing a realistic 3D Yoshi from Mario Kart with chalk is one thing, but the way the fine folks at the AweMeChannel…
It's a rather interesting choice to do a mashup of the art style from Kentucky Route Zero and Link, camping in the Lost Woods from the first Legend of Zelda. But digital artist Denzel Sterling was able to do it in a really charming way. Read more
Alas, we won't be playing as (retired) meth kingpins in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto, but that doesn't mean we…
Remember those creepy Nintendo bust sculptures from a few weeks ago? They were pretty cool, right? Well, they’re…
Darth Khal, huh? I don't know about you, but that's a pretty badass name, I think.
Why did Gryphon-Shifter combine Monster Hunter and Pokemon? Heck, why not? The distinct icon style works…
Reaching the end of a world map in a classic JRPG game sends you to the opposite end of the map. This is how most…
First blayzeon proved that a faulty memory could be a funny thing by showing us what the Pokemon from…
This simple mustard-colored book titled Every Day is Play could be one of the most beautiful video game coffee table…
Bright colours, cute characters, a nature theme, Sony's LocoRoco has made the perfect baby room for reader Scott and…
I can't decide which one of sculptor Gabriel Dishaw's Star Wars models is the craziest. Tank Vader on the left, or…
Don't let the makers of this amazing expandable castle, Max Berends and his brother Tijn, fool you. What seems like…
You've probably seen Japanese cappuccino art, right? It's incredible. But have you seen Japanese toast art?
Normally having gaps in your memory is a bad thing, but in the case of blayzeon's sometimes-faulty memory? It's pure…
Reader Alan emailed me last night wondering if I'd like to see "a cg model of Danny DeVito in Gears of War style…
Link might need another one of those bombs to defeat this Dodongo, a classic enemy from The Legend of Zelda games. It's hard to tell who's scarier in digital artist Jason Custer's poster: Link with his bomb or the funky-looking reptilian. Read more
Artist Jan Carlos Garcia made these great Pokemon, stripping their designs back into a low-poly design that would…
At this year's PAX, the wonderful people from games site Attract Mode and merch wizards Fangamer are once again…
Jake would make a good Jaeger, I think. Alas, this this illustration by Larry Quach isn't directly connected to Pacif…
Quite a smart Mass Effect and Bioshock Infinite crossover from digital artist Charles Wilcher, starring the two Commander Shepards, Mass Effect 3's endings and the Lutece twins. It fits—Rosalind and Femshep share a voice actress, after all! Read more