Kirby! No! What did you eat this time? Fortunately this is not a screenshot of Kirby in the new Smash Bros. game, but a nightmarish painting, made by Lal0-90 on deviantART. Kirby is unleashed, with 100% more teeth and power. Read more
These incredible figures of Tyrael and Diablo himself are the work of an avid Diablo fan, TaeHyeon Hong from…
DeviantART artist David De Leon Luis has a slightly different notion of Bowser, Yoshi and Super Mario. A Yoshi with T-Rex jaws and of that size would stomp through Mushroom Kingdom with ease, leaving only completely destroyed Koopa castles behind. Read more
It's fall in Japan. And like every fall, rice is harvested, leaving behind straw to be hung and dried. In some rural…
Why spend all your time at school studying? Especially when you can spend your time drawing on blackboards.
Mark Avila may not be able to play Pokemon X & Y until later this week, but that hasn't stopped him from drawing a…
Ground meat ain't just for hamburgers, you know. It's also for art.
Let's admire this painting of Link by James Zapata. Just...soak it up. It's the kind of treatment you normally see…
Digital artist Phuwadon Thongnoum uses a terrific, dynamic style in his Street Fighter fan art gallery. Reminds me of the Samurai Jack animated series. Here's Dhalsim, Blanka and Adon. There's more over at his Behancé profile. Read more
There's more than meets the eye with these Transformers. You are actually looking at scrap—discarded car,…
Think human beings are the only ones who can enjoy tattoos? Ha! Bananas can get them, too.
One of the more distinctive things about the first Pokemon games—aside from nostalgia—is that we got to see the…
Any aspiring artists out there? Or people who just enjoy drawing, um, breasts? Well, here's a helpful guide.
Danish (of course) designer Jonathan Trier has an idea. He wants to see a LEGO series with a more mature slant. A…
No wonder there's no one in these pictures wielding the massive 6.5 feet tall Buster Sword, Cloud's iconic weapon…
This isn't a postcard or a promotional shot for the Union Pacific Railroad. It's a picture taken within Grand Theft…
Every Single Hat in Team Fortress 2, Worn by a Single Character: This is only a tiny snapshot of all forty-lebem-sebemty-thirteen TF2 hats that Spy has equipped, all at once, in a drawing by DeviantArt's AshleyLange. Trust me, the stack goes up way, way, higher than this. Can you identify them all? This guy tried.

Man. What a gorgeous N64. Just like most of Zoki64's work, it's so pretty that I'd almost feel bad for using the…

Can we just appreciate how good the backgrounds in Adventure Time look for a minute? 'Cause they're pretty freaking…