We've heard how Age of Conan is in a state of decline. Now let's look at how it's in a state of decline. In…
Hellforge posits that 2008 was the worst year on record for MMOs. But the "collapse" had nothing to do with the…
The festive folk at Funcom have managed to pull off a gaming event involving killing a goat that won't get the…
With Wrath of the Lich King out, everyone's forgotten Age of Conan ever existed. But Funcom's level design gave its…
One of the major criticisms of Funcom's Age of Conan when the MMORPG first launched was a considerable lack of…
Funcom's Age of Conan MMO started off strong here in the states but quickly lost steam, due in no small part to not…
Each of the seven or so times I've canceled my World of Warcraft subscription over the past few years, I've found…
A little while ago, Age of Conan developers Funcom added the first portion of their player versus player overhaul,…
It happens to every well-marketing MMO (except WoW) sooner or later. Craig Morrison, Funcom's new game director for…
Age of Conan Producer and Game Director Gaute Godager has resigned from Funcom, stating his dissatisfaction with…
Don your loincloth, polish your bastard sword, and get ready to invade Germany as Funcom announces their plans for…
Click to viewOne of Funcom's Age of Conan GMs was duped into cybersex with a male player (playing a male avatar,…
Just received an email this morning from Funcom to let me know that the 7-day Age of Conan buddy codes that shipped…
While Yahtzee isn't that big a fan of the Ememorpagah (MMORPG) genre, he decided to suck up his general distaste…
I was visiting the Eidos area early, chatting with the man in the Age of Conan t-shirt waving a sword around about…
We often talk about the differences between 'sold' and 'shipped' announcements, generally coming to the conclusion…
Funcom's Gaute Godager is pretty ballsy for a guy sitting on top of an unfinished MMO. The Age of Conan director…
So Funcom and Eidos released Age of Conan, and hundreds of thousands of players have signed up...what now? The two…
Get ready for difficult-to-pronounce names. Composer Knut Avenstroup Haugen has done a two-disc soundtrack for Age…
Here's a tip. If someone's astride a horse on a narrow ledge overlooking a deep gorge, and he's not faced to enjoy…