While the 3DS is hanging on as a gaming platform longer than some gaming pundits would like, Nintendo is making the…
You have probably been here before. A Japanese company announces an exciting new game. The concept sounds great, the…
Nintendo has released sales data for its biggest selling Nintendo Switch and 3DS games. Which ones do you think came…
Wonder how Nintendo’s current gen game machines are doing? The Kyoto-based company just released life-to-date…
It’s nice to see that Nintendo has the ability to laugh at itself a little.
“I really only know about what people are saying online,” Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe recently told me over…
Maybe you’re waiting for more Zelda or Animal Crossing, but I tend to get the most excited for Nintendo’s stranger,…
There’s a wide variety of games out this week, from art puzzler Gorogoa to a set of Mega Man collections to the…
Spring is here, the perfect time to come out of that backlog hibernation and play some new video games. Here are the…
One of the biggest flaws in Nintendo’s portable console is that you can’t back up your data: if you lose your…
Twitter user Kaboo Factory recently recounted how much Nintendo charged him for first gen Nintendo 3DS parts. It was…
Nintendo may be keeping the 3DS on life support at this point, but there are still reasons to boot up the handheld…
While Ash’s Pikachu adores ketchup, Detective Pikachu loves coffee. In a recent interview, the game’s creators…
My Switch backlog is ridiculous. I’m busy juggling Ni No Kuni II and a review copy of Far Cry 5 on my PS4,…
This week we’ve got Far Cry 5’s cult-fighting open world coming to lots of platforms and Outlast 2 being ported to…
GameCube launch game Luigi’s Mansion is coming to 3DS in 2018, Nintendo said during a Nintendo Direct today.…
There will be a Nintendo Direct tomorrow at 5pm Eastern focused on 3DS and Switch games coming out this year. Nintendo adds that the entire thing should run about 30 minutes and will also include new information about Mario Tennis Aces. And who knows, maybe we’ll finally get Mother 3.
The underappreciated Nintendo DS role-playing game Radiant Historia gets new life today on 3DS, and with it comes a…
A free demo went up on the 3DS’s eShop today for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. It was one of the DS’s better JRPGs when it originally came out back in 2010 and definitely worth checking out. The full game releases later this month on February 13.
Winter is here, so it’s a great time to avoid the cold and curl up inside with some video games. Here are the…