Twenty-seven million dollars is a lot of money. But it's not significant. Not in the case of the Madden…
Rumors are flying that Kate Upton, the cover model for this year's Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated, is now…
2K Sports has told us to keep on the lookout for a huge announcement—biggest ever in the label's history—and so…
After a three-year arms race, mostly against themselves, NBA 2K's cover kingmakers seem to have de-escalated the…
Tomorrow I'm hitting the road for a cross-country move, the sixth time I've driven the width of the nation since…
NBA 2K13 is running a Twitter campaign enticing folks to fill in tiny squares on a jigsaw puzzle to reveal the next…
News and notes from around the world of sports video gaming:
The long, slow goodbye to Major League Baseball 2K has been widely expected for more than a year. Gamers therefore…
Let's go ahead and say it: NBA 2K13 is right back where it was two years ago—locked in the only meaningful…
Nearly three months after its release, Major League Baseball 2K12 got its first and possibly only title update…
Or the Chicago Bulls. Or Golden State Warriors. Or any team in NBA 2K12's Association or My Player modes, as Reddit…
It is 2006. You are 2K Sports, the newly created challenger to EA Sports. You've been cleaved from Sega, bought up…
The mythology built up around Major League Baseball 2K is that the game could not do anything right. Eight-figure…
Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of 2K Sports, notably left Major League Baseball 2K out of its planned…
It drives me nuts every time I hear it. A professional athlete delivers a gobsmacking statistical performance,…
When I run my mouth about international soccer, I sound like a complete and total imbecile. When a Brit does the…
One of the few broadcast features in Madden NFL 12 that I didn't punch away with a quick button press was the…
Last week, Kotaku reported strong evidence that at least one of the eight finalists in the million-dollar MLB 2K12…
When Phil Humber threw the 21st perfect game in Major League Baseball history two weeks ago, he didn't get to choose…
It is now four days since the conclusion of qualifying for the MLB 2K12 Perfect Game Challenge and there has been no…