This always happens in threes. Yesterday we saw the magic words tipping off Nintendo and Microsoft's next projects. Today brings word that Sony's having fun with high-scoring Scrabble consonants again, registering "Qriocity" not for a game - but a network.
From the company that brought you "Qore" and "Xross Media Bar," that one is pronounced "curiosity." It's important to note this was registered by Sony, not Sony Computer Entertainment. But the trademark covers "portable video game machines," and "game services provided on-line from a computer network," as well as "operating an on-line shopping mall." This is especially interesting in light of the recent survey Sony sent out, indicating it's considering pricing some subscription levels to the PlayStation Network. Might this "Qriocity" be one of them? Accessed by the PSP?
Siliconera, which found the trademark, also notes that Sony registered the domain name "qriocity" a few months before this filing (dated Dec. 15.)
Since a lot of what's written up here ends up turning the comments into Question Time in parliament, only more brutal, I now put this to you, my fellow MPs. Should you wish to huzzah, please spell that correctly. If you find this to be ridiqulis or a bunch of xrap, please misspell creatively.
Qriocity, The Name Of A New Sony Handheld Or Online Service? [Siliconera via Destructoid]