Now that we’re in week two of Overwatch 2’s launch, the hero shooter is at the top of search bars in more ways than one. While most players are inquiring whether or not Blizzard has resolved its many issues, others are searching for Pornhub for its mech-wielding character, D.Va, en masse.
To say that Blizzard’s hotly anticipated hero shooter Overwatch 2 launched roughly would be an understatement. Shortly after the free-to-play game went live on October 4, it was riddled with a payload’s worth of problems, some from outside forces and the rest self-inflicted. Chief among them were its ungodly long queue times after its servers faced two DDoS attacks, a chat bug that randomly purchased skins, and its then-mandatory two-factor phone authentication gatekeeping players with prepaid phone plans from playing the game. It seems to be doing just fine on Pornhub, though.
Read More: ‘Behind’ The Latest Overwatch 2 Porn Controversy
If you visited PornHub earlier today and looked up its most popular searches, you would have seen stalwart Overwatch character D.Va topping the trends list, outranking the likes of adult actresses like Valerie Kay or Nina Kayy (no relation, I presume), Tesla (why?), and pumpkin (how festive). As of the time of writing, D.Va is back down to fourth place.
Naturally, the trending search is spelled as “overwatch dva,” lacking the period in between the “d” and the “v,” presumably because time was of the essence. Although Overwatch 2 serves as Blizzard’s new hotness, the popularity of OW porn never left. As of right now, the eighth most popular search on Pornhub is for “overwatch 2.”
Read More: Inside The Surprisingly Big Overwatch Porn Scene
OW has been immensely popular on PornHub since its launch, and the release of new heroes like Brigitte and Ashe would reliably send them to the top of the trend charts. When Kotaku ranked OW’s most popular porn searches for characters in 2017, we discovered that more than zero of you want to fuck Bastion. Chances are Bastion’s newly buggy ult has left a lot of you hot and bothered as well. No shame, just have your fun before Blizzard patches it out.
To understand why the OW porn scene remains steadfast, we must thumb our way through the gaming history books. The oversaturated hero shooter year of 2016 was quite a sight to behold, with the likes of Paladins, Lawbreakers, and Battleborn vying for your playtime against the original Overwatch. If you uttered “Who?” at any of those games, it should come as no surprise who won that competition, both in the gameplay and the porn departments. However, it wasn’t for a lack of trying on Battleborn’s part. In fact, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford once bragged about Battleborn’s rule 34 porn subreddit in an attempt to drum up intrigue for the game. However, that led to its subreddit being overtaken by OW porn. History is written by the victors.
Read More: What I Learned From Watching A Great Deal Of Overwatch Porn
Truly, few games’ porn scenes are popping quite like Overwatch’s. Time will tell which characters top the porn search charts once everyone’s gotten their feet wet in OW2 and, consequently, cleared their browser history after an intense night of choosing their main both in the game, and out of it.