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What Your Overwatch 2 Skin Says About You: Brutal Callout Edition

What Your Overwatch 2 Skin Says About You: Brutal Callout Edition

Forget your main, what skin you put on your Overwatch 2 character tells me everything I need to know

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Image for article titled What Your Overwatch 2 Skin Says About You: Brutal Callout Edition
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

When Overwatch 2 was announced as the not-so-sequel-sequel to the original 2016 first-person shooter, the first thing most players wondered was, “What about my skins?”


The hero shooter, which offered players loot boxes they could earn or pay for before (rather controversially) swapping over to a free-to-play battle pass model for the sequel, has a litany of skins for its extensive cast of characters that people have grown quite fond of over the years. Luckily, any skin you earned/bought in Overwatch 1 carried over to Overwatch 2.

Read More: Overwatch 2 Tweak Lets Players Earn Skins For Free Again, But There’s A Catch

Whether it’s a skin so rare that rumors consistently crop up about its return, a skin that shows off your Overwatch League allegiance, or just a downright gorgeous cosmetic, Overwatch skins are an integral part of the game. They say a lot about the players donning them: their skill level, their personal beliefs, maybe even their identities. They’ll tell you if someone is willing to shell out $20 for a very pretty skin (guilty), or if they’re determined to only earn their skins the old-fashioned way. A player struggling to play a high-skill DPS character while donning their default skin is clearly trying something new, while a Genji flipping and dashing around the map in a Pacific All-Stars skin is going to annihilate you.

So, what does your Overwatch 2 skin say about you?

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Blackwatch Moira

Blackwatch Moira

Blackwatch Moira skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You have Moira’s gold weapons, you want to show them off, you hate that half of her skins obscure them with her billowy sleeves. You may be a one-trick.

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Pink Mercy

Pink Mercy

The infamous pink Mercy skin in Overwatch
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You’ve been a Mercy main since the game launched, and you happily donated the $15 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation back in 2018 to get the skin that everyone goes rabid over because Blizzard never released it again. (“It means you are babygirl,” – Ash Parrish, The Verge reporter and former Kotaku staff writer)

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Nutcracker Zenyatta

Nutcracker Zenyatta


You have a dirty mind and equipped his golden weapon skin as well just so you can say you have given people “the golden nut.” – Isaiah Colbert, staff writer

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Maestro Sigma

Maestro Sigma

Maestro Sigma Skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You keep your shoes on in the house. – Kenneth Shepard, staff writer

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Tropical Baptise

Tropical Baptise

Baptiste's Summer Games 2020 skin
Image: Blizzard

You have good taste in men. – KS (And btw Baptiste is queer now).

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Alien Zarya

Alien Zarya

Alien Zarya skin in Overwatch
Image: Blizzard / Kotaku

You are a red flag. This skin resulted in Blizzard no longer making skins for OWL MVPs because the player it was designed for was accused of sexual assault. Don’t wear this.

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Officer D.Va

Officer D.Va

Officer D.Va skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You think that all cops are good cops.

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Scarecrow Junkrat

Scarecrow Junkrat

Scarecrow Junkrat skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You’re a devious little gremlin, a duplicitous little freak. I fear you may not have great hygiene habits.

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Cote D’Azur Widowmaker

Cote D’Azur Widowmaker

Cote D’Azur Widowmaker skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

We get it, you like upskirts.

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Crab Hammond

Crab Hammond

Crustacean Hammond skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You revel in the bizarre, in the uncanny. You love a practical Star Wars puppet. You’re a little annoying.

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Cupid Hanzo

Cupid Hanzo

Cupid Hanzo skin in Overwatch 2
Image: Blizzard

You’re slutty and you know it. – KS

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Star Sheep Orisa

Star Sheep Orisa

Star Sheep Orisa skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You took one look at this skin and its fluffy little cloud details, glowing sun midsection, and shimmery galaxy core and pissed away $20 without even batting an eyelash. You’re a sucker. You’re me.

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Strike Commander Morrison or Blackwatch Reaper

Strike Commander Morrison or Blackwatch Reaper

Strike Commander Morrison Soldier: 76 skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You’re gay and you think you can fix them. – KS

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Overwatch League Skins

Overwatch League Skins

Kiriko and Junker Queen's free OWL skins
Image: Blizzard

You have a favorite team, you rep them hard, and every game is like the OWL finals. Scrubs are not welcome. You’re sweaty as hell.

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BlizzCon Skins

BlizzCon Skins

Winston BlizzCon 2017 skin
Image: Blizzard

You’re a Blizzard stan and have been for years. You could only get some of these (like the BlizzCon 2017 Winston skin pictured above) by attending the con in-person. That’s dedication.

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Totally ‘80s Zarya

Totally ‘80s Zarya

Totally ‘80s Zarya skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

Overwatch gave you one good skin for your best girl and you’ll be damned if you don’t flaunt it. – IC

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Black or White Cat D.Va

Black or White Cat D.Va

White Cat D.Va skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You have more than one cat.

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Noire Widowmaker

Noire Widowmaker

The rare Noire Widowmaker skin in Overwatch
Image: Blizzard

You had a good feeling about this newfangled Overwatch game back in 2016, so you pre-ordered it. You have good instincts. (Someone is currently listing an un-used pre-order skin code for $349 on eBay).

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Soccer or Hockey Lucio

Soccer or Hockey Lucio

Image for article titled What Your Overwatch 2 Skin Says About You: Brutal Callout Edition
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You like sports, not just esports.

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Dragon Symmetra

Dragon Symmetra

Dragon Symmetra skin
Image: Blizzard

You are beautiful and dangerous.

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Riot Shield Brigitte

Riot Shield Brigitte

Image for article titled What Your Overwatch 2 Skin Says About You: Brutal Callout Edition
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You don’t understand why people would destroy the windows of a CVS after cops kill people. You just wish they’d protest peacefully.

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One Punch Man Skins

One Punch Man Skins

Kiriko One Punch Man skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku


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Magni Torbjorn

Magni Torbjorn

Magni Torbjorn skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You love Norse mythology and The Lord of the Rings. You can’t stay quiet when the part where Viggo Mortensen breaks his foot comes on in The Two Towers.

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Dark Wolf Hanzo

Dark Wolf Hanzo

Dark Wolf Hanzo skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You’re a menace.

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Cabana Ana

Cabana Ana

Cabana Ana skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You love a piña colada, a good romance novel, and telling kids to stop running by the pool.

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Cyber Demon Genji

Cyber Demon Genji

Cyber Demon Genji skin in Overwatch 2
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

You need healing and you’re not swapping.


If you have any additions you think deserve a spot on this list, drop them in the comments!


Update 04/06/2023 at 11:14 a.m. ET: Updated to clarify availability of Overwatch skins.
