A swashbuckling adventure with an emphasis on puzzling. Programmed by James Garon and published in 1985 by Datasoft.
Imagine your old high school. Picture the doors you’d pass through at the start of each day. See if you can recall…
Overwatch is a cavalcade of character design. It’s almost — dare I say it — fashionable. But what do I know? I’m a…
Today is Batman Day, a fake holiday invented for the sole purpose of helping market merchandise branded with the…
Always thought Harley Quinn was disturbing because of her twisted love affair with the Joker? Here’s a version of…
At least young Colin Earl won't have to wait for a bat to come crashing through his window for vigilante inspiration…
300 Heroes proves, as CrusaderCast puts it so well in this video, "there is no Mandarin word for copyright", because…
The Kingdom Hearts series has found great success creating an adventure centered around a set of original…