Back in 2011, Kotaku introduced Mei Hata. Then eight years old, she was one of the best under-14 Gundam model makers…
Back in 2011, Kotaku introduced Mei Hata. Then eight years old, she was one of the best under-14 Gundam model makers…
When Shuaib Sookia, an Overwatch fan who lives in the African country of Mauritius, posted to both the game’s…
Video games aren’t what kept José Muñoz in his parents’ basement for much of the past seven years, slipping into…
Overwatch’s Summer Games end on August 29, which means there’s not much time left to get good at Lucioball. Except…
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an easy video game to like in spite of its flaws. It’s buoyed by a winning cast of…
Of course they do. Japan is famous for interesting Kit Kat flavors, and this latest one might be the most unusual…
The first “real” season of Overwatch’s official minor league, Contenders, kicked off over the weekend, and it was…
Even the AI refs in Madden need glasses.
So far, there have been three Overwatch APEX tournaments in South Korea. Lunatic Hai has won two of them. Widely…