Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is huge. Each new boundary is broken down the moment you reach it, the game world spilling…
Take control of an automated defense systems protecting planets 40 light years away from Earth. Type II refers to Type II civilization on a Kardashev scale.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is huge. Each new boundary is broken down the moment you reach it, the game world spilling…
While Japan has lots of excellent arcades, Tokyo is home to the country’s best. If you are visiting the city and…
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
Most stories featuring ships tend to give them a name: the Millennium Falcon, the Great Fox, the USS Enterprise, the…
When I arrive at the headquarters of Brianna Wu For Congress, a modest house near the bottom of a quiet street in…
Zombies have been integral to horror games for decades now. Whether we’re doing a solo crawls through a haunted…
In the early 90s, two queer people in the Mission District of San Francisco made games about queer experiences. One…
Call of Duty: Black Ops III mixes the series’ familiar first-person shooting with a wild cyberpunk storyline. The…
Pillars of Eternity II is aptly named. Fifty hours in, I feel like I’ve only just gotten started.
If you have spent the past decade wishing there was more Suikoden in your life, then oh boy do I have some news for…