HBO’s The Batman spin-off series starts with a brilliant opening scene and only gets better from there
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from The Wizard
The Wizard is a quirky, turn-based dungeon puzzler with a unique spell casting system, lovely 16bit-look and high-quality soundtrack. Can you make it through the monster-filled mazes to catch the mysterious thief?
HBO’s The Batman spin-off series starts with a brilliant opening scene and only gets better from there
The Pinocchio Soulslike not only emulates but iterates on its inspirations in exciting ways
Can you even rank the output of such a legendary filmmaker? We gave it a shot
The swords and sorcery extraction game is a great entry point for the genre
Either roll a Drow, or someone who can cast Disguise Self, and you'll experience a very different game
Larian’s latest patch lets you live out your most diabolical fantasies
We meet a beloved character in a tonally perfect new episode of the Amazon Prime series
Unfortunately, the first three episodes of the Amazon Prime series fail to recreate the season’s powerful opening…
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is launching on PS Plus next month
The follow-up to Pillars of Eternity finally shows us its RPG muscles