CultureNewsCultureNewsEx-Sims Dev Says Men Lie About How They Play Game Out Of EmbarrassmentFormer Sims studio head said a bunch of male gamers lied about redecorating a bathroom during a focus testByIsaiah ColbertPublishedMarch 28, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsLewd Ghibli Posters Now Very Sorry For Causing 'Distress''Taking those photos went beyond the level of a practical joke. We've caused a lot of distress to everyone.'ByLuke PlunkettPublishedMarch 27, 2023
OpinionVG ChatOpinionVG ChatDiablo IV’s Beta Has Us Kinda Obsessed With HellThe open beta to Blizzard’s loot-grinding RPG has ended, and we discuss some of our fave aspects of the gameByLevi Winslow, Ethan Gach, and Eric SchulkinPublishedMarch 27, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsResident Evil 4 Remake’s First Fight Can Be Skipped In Cool WayShould your aim be true, Leon S. Kennedy’s ammo and health will be saved by the bellByIsaiah ColbertPublishedMarch 27, 2023
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The BestsThe BestsLet's Rank The Fallout Games, Worst To BestBethesda's RPG series lies dormant outside of its recent MMO-lite, but judgment never restsByPatricia HernandezPublishedMarch 24, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsSorry Sickos, Resident Evil 4 Remake Won’t Let You Kill The MerchantWhile Capcom’s remake of its classic survival horror game is mostly faithful, some stuff was cutByZack ZwiezenPublishedMarch 23, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsReduce Your Screen Time With These Video Game-Inspired Board GamesStep away from the PS5—these games bring fantasy directly to your tabletopByAshley BardhanPublishedMarch 23, 2023
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsThe Sims 4’s Growing Together Expansion Pack Is An Instant Must-HaveThe new DLC makes the big baby update feel completeByLisa Marie SegarraPublishedMarch 23, 2023
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryWe Aren't Ready For What's About To Happen With FortniteThe Unreal Editor is out now, and the possibilities seem endlessByPatricia HernandezPublishedMarch 22, 2023