"Quake-style mixed with Doom gameplay" Early in 2005, possibly one of CZG's most famous map packs, an Episode with six medium-sized bases, Wizard-themed levels, and a start map.
DISSIDIA: Final Fantasy has gone on sale in Japan. Besides featuring assembled characters from various FF games, DISS…
The forces of Cosmos and the forces of Chaos square off as beloved characters from Final Fantasies past do battle…
Another weekend, another call for papers! This time around it's the Games+Learning+Society 5.0 conference, June…
Games companies sponsoring sporting teams is nothing new. Sega (Arsenal), Nintendo (Fiorentina) and Microsoft…
What is this? A mass act of adoration on the part of Nike's design team? Or some strange, off-key marketing exercise…
An article in Science magazine discussing why Spore flunks various kinds of science after close scrutiny by a…
The Cutter IT Journal is offering their latest issue — on the subject of the challenges of virtual worlds — for…
A researcher at the Pentagon-funded National Defense University has theorized ways in which terrorists could use…