"Quake-style mixed with Doom gameplay" Early in 2005, possibly one of CZG's most famous map packs, an Episode with six medium-sized bases, Wizard-themed levels, and a start map.
A decade before Sora faced off against his first Heartless, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus battled the Unversed across a…
Square Enix's vague summer release date for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has become a definite September release…
Hey look, it's Starcraft Ghost... Academy. The comic. Hitting comics shops this week, along with Mass Effect and Sky…
Well, I've played twenty-five hours of Final Fantasy XIII in the past few days, and the one thing I can say with…
Halo and a double-dose of Blizzard hit comics shops in the U.S. this week. Sadly, it's a week without Sonic comics.…
New comics in stores this week include all the big regulars. Gears of War written by the head of Epic. Street…
This week, Kotaku brings you not only the current week's worth of new gaming-based comics hitting shops... but last…
Having bailed on Kingdom Hearts 2 after reaching the Steamboat Willy stage, I may have finally found the KH game to…
Blizzard pulls no punches this April 1st, with not one but four different pranks featuring pimped mounts, a new…
Director Brett Ratner announced last fall that he is doing a big screen version of Sony hack-and-slash game God of…