The delightful Rhythm Heaven series has come to the Wii—in Japan, at least—arriving to divine reception from the…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Taiko no Tatsujin 11
A sequel to Taiko no Tatsujin 10, this new title tried to enhance the quality of life for the users by adding the Ura Oni difficulty for the expert players and the Papa Mama Support mode for the young players, it also added the ability to change the sound of the Taiko which already was a thing in the console games, and they removed the Revival Roulette to replace it with the Revival Drumroll minigame.
The delightful Rhythm Heaven series has come to the Wii—in Japan, at least—arriving to divine reception from the…
High-definition, big headed baseball is currently the hottest thing in Japanese video games. Konami's latest…
The Monster Hunter dynasty continues its proud rein in Japan this week with the latest entry in Capcom's beast…
Another week, another ridiculous amount of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd served up to Japanese video game fans. Just…
The PlayStation Portable represented well in Japan's Christmastime hardware contest thanks to the continued sales…
Threequels dominate Japan's video game sales charts this week with the latest Monster Hunter, the latest Gundam game…
Level 5 and Studio Ghibli collaboration Ni no Kuni hit the Nintendo DS in Japan this week. It appears to have done…
PSP phenom Monster Hunter Portable 3rd made a huge splash in Japan during its first week on sale, moving close to…
Pokemon Black and Pokemon White continue to be super effective at maintaining a stranglehold on Japan's software…
Nintendo's Pokemon Black and Pokemon White enjoy another first place showing in Japan this week, nearly another…