Acclaimed anime studio MAPPA offers a fresh interpretation of Okkotsu Yuta, not just a dry adaptation
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Sword of the Spirit
In this combat-focused RPG, you'll embark on a journey through perilous realms filled with dangerous creatures and challenging foes. Engage in fast-paced, strategic battles where every move counts as you wield a variety of weapons and master powerful abilities.
Acclaimed anime studio MAPPA offers a fresh interpretation of Okkotsu Yuta, not just a dry adaptation
Patch 1.03 made Mimic Tear, Hoarfrost, and Sword of Night and Flame weaker
There are also a ton of bug fixes and 'balance changes'
SunhiLegend, a Guerrilla Games employee, puts together some very cool combat videos
Buddhist family prayer altars go fantasy-themed in Japan
Colt Vahn's voice actor Jason Kelley speaks about what sets the Black characters in Arkane's latest immersive sim…
Skul: The Hero Slayer isn’t spooky as much as it just has that Halloween kinda vibe
Zoink, the makers of Fe, open up about their latest, Tim Burton-esque fantasy game
Paizo employees are ready for some collective action
Photorealistic graphics and surprisingly life-like food make this role-playing game one for the ages