Pokémon was a Plug It In & Play TV Games produced by Jakks Pacific. It was developed by HotGen. It was planned for release in 2007 but was never released.
This week, a new Pokémon Center is opening in Tokyo. Yesterday, Kotaku showed a short preview of the shop. Today,…
In the first three days on sale in Japan, Pokémon Sword and Shield sold 1.365 million copies at retail. While digital downloads aren’t included, these sales figures have made the games the biggest first-week Switch sellers to date in Japan. If you missed it, read Kotaku’s Pokémon Sword and Shield review here.
For years, there has been speculation that Professor Oak and Ash’s mom Delia are totally together. As in like, doing…
We’ve had Hawaiian Pokémon, we’ve had British Pokémon, and after seeing this incredible fan art project by VivinkArt,…