Two big video game comics this week from two big games.
Two big video game comics this week from two big games.
Visceral Games has unleashed hell on Facebook, with a new Dante's Inferno-themed app that lets you condemn your…
What do Ghost in the Shell, Ergo Proxy, Blood the Last Vampire, and Samurai Champloo have to do with EA's Dante's…
When Disney Epic Mickey hits the Wii next fall it won't rely on the console's latest technology to deliver its…
To do more than use Dante's Inferno as a colorful setting for a generic game the Electronic Arts developers have to…
My short time spent playing Dante's Inferno on the Playstation Portable reminded me an awful lot of time spent…
EA offered hands-on with its second circle of its interactive Hell in Japan on Wednesday, allowing me to try the…
On paper, adapting Dante Alighieri's language-shaping epic poem into a button-mashing action video game sounds…
Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of …
It may sound like the title of a bad goth poem, but razorblades and roses are just two elements in Wal-Mart's…